Why You Can’t Afford to NOT Have a Website

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You're starting a new business. You've filed all of your legal documents. You kind of sort of think that you might need a website, but hey that takes time and money and you just want to get out there and launch your business.

Hey, I get it.

The truth is, it IS a lot of work to launch a business. But the simple fact is, you can't afford to not have a website.

It'd be like gathering all of your things for a camping trip and then never getting in the car to actually drive to the campsite.

You've done all of this work, don't sacrifice the most important piece for your business!

So, why exactly is a website so important?


Having a website establishes your credibility. Chances are you aren't the only one in your field. Are you a wedding photographer? Yeah, so are a million other people. So, stand out! Be the one with the BEST photography website that showcases all of your work.

If you need a plumber, are you going to call the guy that has a great website or the guy who only has a phone number in the yellow pages?


This goes hand in hand with credibility. By having a website, a logo, and brand colors, people have a way to identify your brand.

Branding shows customers you've invested in your brand. You've taken the time to invest in a legitimate logo and a legitimate website. Showing customers that your business was worth investing in proves to them that you’re worth THEM investing in you too.


Whether you provide a product or service, you're going to need leads. Which is where your website comes in... Having a website with good SEO will allow you to rank higher in Google’s search results. Also, having a lead generator is a GREAT way to get leads and grow your email list (which is also your #1 marketing tool...more on that later).

Without a website, you're just aimlessly wandering about hoping that someone miraculously finds you.


Getting the same phone calls over and over? "What time do y'all close?" or "How do I get to your location?" Having a website saves time by cutting down on redundant questions that your website can answer.

Plus, while people are on your site getting their questions answered, they just might purchase your product too.


Running a sale? Going to be closed for Memorial Day? The announcement bar at the top of your website is a great way to get these types of messages across.

Plus, having updates and announcements shows customers that your site is always current and up to date. Nothing is worse than a website that hasn’t been updated since 2017….


As I mentioned earlier, your email list is your #1 marketing tool. Grow your email list by creating landing pages so customers can get your lead generator. This will kick off an automated set of emails in your drip campaign. This "set it and forget it" method is the perfect way to serve your customers in a big way without you having to lift a finger.

Having a website also allows you to connect to your social media platforms. All of this creates more brand awareness and engagement with your audience.


Your customers want to know that you can solve their problem. Otherwise they wouldn't be searching for you. Having a website allows you to show them that you understand their problem, that you empathize with them, and that you have the solution they're looking for.

But, I have a Facebook page - isn't that good enough!


First off, you don't own your Facebook page. I've seen Facebook shut down reputable Facebook pages with hundreds of thousands of followers for no apparent reason at all. And it's not like you can just call them up and ask them to turn it back on…

Secondly, people go to Google for answers, not Facebook. If you want to be in Google's search results, then you need a website.

Lastly, only having a Facebook page gives the appearance that you're cheap. Sorry to say it. But if you only have Facebook, it looks like your business isn't successful enough to actually invest in a website...that you're either cheap or lazy.

Many business owners think a website is difficult to manage and too expensive to create. That's just not true. Is it an investment? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely.

A website created on Squarespace is suuuuper easy for you to manage once it’s up and running. You can easily do it yourself without paying the big bucks for a web designer to update it. Sign up for a free trial of Squarespace here.

Do yourself (and your customers) a favor and stop putting off creating your website. You’ll be glad you did.



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