How to Remove the Last Name Field from Squarespace’s Newsletter Block

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You may have noticed that Squarespace's newsletter block requires a person to type in their first AND last name. It feels a little formal, doesn’t it? Almost like you’re about to send someone a wedding invitation instead of a friendly newsletter.

The good news? There’s a way to ditch the last name field, and I’ve got the code to help you do just that.

But first, let’s talk about why you even need a newsletter block in the first place (because, yes, you totally do).

Why Newsletter Blocks Are Important

You’ve probably heard it a million times: The best way to grow your business is through your mailing list. But let’s break it down. Your newsletter block is essentially a direct line to your audience - no algorithms, no distractions, just you in their inbox.

It’s like getting someone’s phone number at a party, except way less awkward and no follow-up texts required.

Here’s the thing:

Newsletter blocks are super important because they capture leads for your business. Every time someone signs up, they’re saying, “Yes, I’m interested in what you have to say (or sell).”

Plus, you own your email list. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok? They can all change their algorithms overnight, but your email list? It’s yours forever, my friend.

A clear, simple, and easy-to-use newsletter block is the first step in building that list—and more subscribers means more potential customers.

So, you want to make sure the process is as friction-less as possible, which brings us to...

The Pros of Building a Mailing List

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of form fields, let’s talk about why having a mailing list is like finding the holy grail of marketing.

Better Conversion Rates:

Social media posts? Eh, they come and go.

Emails? They sit in your subscriber’s inbox like a golden ticket, just waiting to be clicked.

Studies show that email marketing consistently brings in higher conversions than almost any other channel.

Personalized Communication:

When you send an email that starts with “Hey, [First Name],” people are way more likely to engage than with a generic “Dear customer” vibe.

People love hearing their own name—it’s human nature.

Brand Loyalty:

Consistently sending out valuable content via email builds trust. And trust = brand loyalty = money in your pocket.

You Own the List:

Don’t underestimate the value in this. Unlike social media platforms that love to mess with your reach, your email list is something you control. No third-party filters deciding who sees your content.

Data Tracking:

You can see exactly how many people opened, clicked, and converted from your emails. That kind of insight? Priceless.

Why Collecting Just the First Name Matters

So, why is collecting just the first name a big deal?

Have you ever filled out a form and thought, “Ugh, do they really need all this info?” Chances are, you bailed.

People like quick, easy forms. The more fields they have to fill out, the more likely they are to click away. It's science (okay, it's user experience, but still).

Here’s why you should ditch the last name field:

Improved User Experience:

People don’t want to spend more time than necessary signing up for your newsletter. The fewer fields, the better.

Increased Sign-Up Rates:

Studies show that shorter forms = more sign-ups. Why? Because less effort = happier potential subscribers.

Still Personal Enough:

Honestly, how often are you going to be like, “Hey [First Name] [Last Name],”? That’s way too formal. First names are all you need to keep things personal and friendly.


If you need to add a newsletter block, click the plus sign then select Newsletter.

newsletter block option in squarespace

By default, the name fields will be turned off. To turn them on, double click the newsletter block, then scroll down to the bottom of the Content section and turn ON “Require Name Field”.

toggle to turn on name field in newsletter block

Now you have a complete newsletter block that just needs the last name field removed.

newsletter block with fields in squarespace

How to Remove the Last Name Field from the Newsletter Block

Alright, now for the fun part: getting rid of that pesky last name field.

Squarespace, as wonderful as it is, doesn’t let you just toggle off the last name field. You’re going to need a little custom code magic to make it happen.

But don’t worry—it’s super easy.

Here’s how:

STEP 1: Go to Pages -> Website Tools -> Code Injection and paste this code below in the FOOTER section.

 <!-- remove last name from newsletter block -->
<script src=""></script>
(function() {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', pcLastName);
function pcLastName() {
let pclNames = document.querySelectorAll('.last-name input');
let pclNameFields = document.querySelectorAll('.last-name'), i, j;
for (i=0; i < pclNames.length; i++) {
pclNames[i].value = "-"; // The Last Name still needs a value
for (j=0; j < pclNameFields.length; j++) {
pclNameFields[j].style.display = "none";
<!-- end remove last name from newsletter block -->

STEP 2: Hit Save and you’re done!

See? Easy as pie. Now, when people sign up, they only have to give their first name and email address. No more last name required. You’re basically making their lives easier—and yours, too.

One note about this: When you’re working in the editor, it will show the Last Name field. As soon as you exit out, it will go back to displaying only the First Name.


So there you have it. By removing the last name field from your Squarespace newsletter block, you’ve just made your opt-in process simpler, quicker, and way more appealing. In a world where attention spans are short and form fatigue is real, small tweaks like this can make a huge difference.

Your newsletter block is the gateway to building an engaged mailing list. And with a well-designed, streamlined form, you’re on your way to turning curious visitors into loyal subscribers.

Now that you have that email list going, be sure to include lead magnets all throughout your website. If you need help creating multiple workflows for lead magnets, I’ve got ya covered on that too :)

*This post may contain affiliate links, so I may earn a small commission when you make a purchase through links on this site at no additional cost to you.



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