Professional and Calming Website for a Counseling Center

home page for canvas counseling and wellness


Canvas Counseling & Wellness, a counseling and wellness center in Plano, TX, initially approached me to migrate their website from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1, seeking a fresh update and access to the latest features. Once the migration was complete, they decided to take it a step further and requested a complete design overhaul.

Their previous website was simple, featuring stock images and text on a white background. The new platform offered more flexibility, allowing me to create a truly custom and polished design.

before and after home page for canvas counseling and wellness

I started by building a cohesive color palette and updating the typography. Their existing brand elements, like the gold logo and paintbrush strokes, provided the foundation.

From there, I introduced complementary shades of blue and refreshed their script font to a more sophisticated version (called Bitte). The curated images aligned with the new palette, evoking feelings of calm and serenity—perfect for a counseling practice.

To elevate their brand even further, I moved the partnership logos from the footer to a more prominent section of the homepage, showcasing their credibility. I also rewrote the hero section to ensure visitors immediately understand who Canvas Counseling & Wellness is and what services they offer.

canvas counseling and wellness moodboard

All of the text was completely revamped to clearly highlight the client’s challenges and explain how Canvas Counseling & Wellness provides solutions.

Given that clients often feel overwhelmed when seeking counseling, I incorporated a three-step process to make it clear and simple how to get started.

The updated design is clean, modern, and approachable, with improved navigation that makes the user experience seamless. Additionally, I conducted a full SEO optimization, boosting their organic traffic and helping them reach more people.

The results? Since launching the new site, their monthly visits have skyrocketed by a whopping 416%. Amazing!


Scroll through the home page

canvas cw home page scroll

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canvas counseling and wellness home page


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